I took a 5 day break and visited my cousins in Bournemouth in the UK. The weather was beautiful and it is a beautiful place. Here is a few photos from my adventures and time in Bournemouth. I plan on going back down there some time in the Summer again.
Just a flower from my cousins garden that I thought was really pretty.
The flower tree from which I got the above flower from.
Me and my family at my uncles pub. I haven't seen him in 8 years.
The sign going into Bournemouth.
The air balloon I went in for a great view of Bournemouth.
A singing flash mob which randomly happened as we were walking down the street.
A view of the Pier Theatre going up in the air balloon.
The 500ft up view from the air balloon. My parents are down there in the people somewhere.
The Pavilion at the start of the gardens where my dad used to work when he lived down there when he was younger.
A squirrel which went up really close to my mum.
Beautiful sun and lens flare through the trees in the gardens.
A view of the field next to the gardens.
I really love Bournemouth and it is a really beautiful place. If I stay in the UK I would definitely consider moving there.